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Wood Betony Tincture

  • Wood Betony Tincture
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Product Description

Wood Betony Herbal Tincture


An herbal sedative, Wood Betony may also induce relaxation and sleep and has been used in for treating hysteria, and hangovers. This herbal remedy helps to calm and soothe frayed nerves, diminish hyperactivity, ease stress, reduce tension and anxiety and other nervous disorders, such as convulsions, hysteria, palpitations and panic/anxiety attacks. It is also mildly sedative, which helps to allay excitement, induce relaxation and help you to sleep. It is also associated with use for fatigue and pessimism. It is also thought to nourish the pineal gland, protecting it from degeneration. And interestingly, degeneration of this gland is thought to cause insanity.

Wood Betony has been used for easing headaches, especially those related to nervous tension, anxiety and debility. It's relaxing to the heart and nervous system and has been beneficial for neuralgia as well as, neurasthenia, intense irritability and nervous exhaustion. It also helps to facilitate digestion, relieve gastritis, heartburn and gas. It is known as a blood purifier that is believed to improve liver, gallbladder and spleen health.

Wood Betony is thought to be an antispasmodic and has been used to relax muscles (including muscles of the face), control nerve twitching in the face, and palsy.

Called "Herb for the Head" in the past, it is believed to be an excellent way to relieve headaches, particularly those of nervous origin and associated with nervous tension, anxiety and debility. It has also been  useful for headaches located at the top of the skull or for pains of the face, and some herbalists claim that when taken daily, Wood Betony will prevent migraine headaches.

Used for centuries to aid the digestive system and to relieve gastric disorders, it helps to improve the appetite, relieve gas, heartburn, gastritis and poor digestion. The herb's stomachic qualities tone and give strength to the stomach, helping to relieve stomach cramps, colic pains and other stomach distress.

Wood Betony, as an expectorant and has been used to loosen and expel excess upper respiratory tract mucus and has been helpful in relieving sinusitis, colds, la grippe (influenza), chronic asthma and bronchitis. It has also been used to improve varicose veins (used daily), edema, scrofula and tuberculosis. It is considered to be a mild laxative, as well as an anthelmintic that has been used to destroy and successfully expel worms from the intestinal tract.

Recently research has stated that Wood Betony is good for cardiovascular health. It is said to be mildly stimulating to the heart, and has shown some effect in lowering blood pressure.

Wood Betony is said to have diuretic properties that may increase the production and flow of urine and has been effective in easing bladder and kidney problems, flushing the kidneys and expelling impurities and kidney stones.

When used externally, it has been useful for wounds (especially when infected), cuts, bruises, insect bites, hemorrhoids, external ulcers and old sores. It is also good for sore throat and gum inflammation.

Ingredients: Wood Betony Herb and Certified Grain Alcohol. 1:3 Ratio

Dosage: Use 6-12 drops in juice, water, under the tongue or as desired. May be taken 3 times daily. Shake well. Store in cool dark place. Keep out of reach of children.

Precautions: Wood Betony Herbal Supplement is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women. It is said that Wood Betony may take months before it shows results. Overuse (many times the recommended dosage) may cause diarrhea and upset stomach.

Disclaimer: The information presented herein by Mountain Maus Remedies is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

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  1. POTENT 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 7th Oct 2015

    Well packaged. Ships Fast. Very high quality. POTENT. Would buy again. Excellent.

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