Wild Crafted USA
Also Known As – Salix alba
Overview - Willow trees grow in many parts of the world. The European, or white tree, grows to a height of 35 to 75 feet tall. It is usually found near streams. The bark has been used to relieve pain and fever since the days of Hippocrates. It was also utilized by the ancient Chinese, the tribes of North America and other indigenous people around the world. The bark was chewed to release its abilities to relieve aches and pains. Modern herbalists use bark in place of aspirin, as it has fewer side effects than synthetic acetylsalicylic acid. Because of the methods by which the herb is ingested and converted to salicylic acid in the digestive tract, it takes longer to feel relief than taking an aspirin. The effects usually last for an extended length of time, however.
Medicinal Uses - Internally, Willow has long been used for headaches. It has been proven effective for low back pain, osteoarthritis and fever. The bark has also been recommended for diarrhea with cramps, sexual dysfunction, flu, bursitis, tendonitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Externally, it is sometimes used for toothache pain.
Parts Used - The bark contains a compound that acts like aspirin. It is harvested from branches that are two or three years of age in early spring.
Precautions - People who are sensitive to aspirin should stay away from willow. Some studies suggest that if you have asthma, gout, diabetes, hemophilia, gastritis or stomach ulcers, you should also avoid this herb. Likewise, if you use NSAID drugs or blood thinning prescriptions, be sure to consult your physician before adding bark to any herbal remedies you may use.
Suggested - Willow bark can be found commercially prepared as tinctures, capsules, tablets, powders or tea.
Disclaimer - These products are not intended to diagnose, treat cure or prevent any disease. Reviews are not intended as a substitute for appropriate medical care or the advice of a physician or another medical professional. Actual results may vary among users. Mountain Maus Remedies LLC makes no warranty or representation, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or validity of the information contributed by outside product review submissions, and assumes no responsibility or liability regarding the use of such information. The information and statements regarding the dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If you have a medical condition or disease, please talk to your health care provider. If you are currently taking a prescription medication, you should work with your health care provider before discontinuing any drug or altering any drug regimen, including augmenting your regimen with any herb or dietary supplements. Do not attempt to self-diagnose any disease or ailment based on the reviews and do not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Proper medical care is critical to good health. If you have a health concern or suspect you have an undiagnosed sign or symptom, please consult a physician or health care practitioner.
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