Also Known As - Citrus sinensis, Sweet Orange, Valencia Orange, Ruby Orange, Navel Orange.
Overview - Orange is one of the popular fruits of the world. The health benefits associated with them are many and known to many. They supply good amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, dietary fibres, folates etc. However, it is not only the fruit but also the peel that has a plethora of benefits to offer. So next time you eat an orange, do not throw away the peel but use it.
Medicinal Uses - Orange peels are a great ayurvedic medicine for those suffering from disorders and diseases caused due to kapha and pitta doshas. The peel has medicinal properties that balance these doshas and help to alleviate related illnesses. It can perk your appetite, improve digestion, and help to get rid of other abdominal troubles like flatulence, heartburn and vomiting. Being a great expectorant, orange- peel powder is used to relieve phlegm and clear the respiratory tract, thus alleviating conditions like asthma and cough.
Parts Used - The peel of the fruit picked at its ripe stage and then dried.
Preparations - The cut peel is traditionally used as a tea, and the powdered peel is used to add a sweet, fizzy flavor to drinks. Many cosmetics call for peel in either cut form or as a powder. Its light flavor makes it easy to add into tea blends, and the peel can also be incorporated into jams, jellies, stir-fry dishes and many other culinary creations.
Precautions - Women who are pregnant should not take Orange peel and there have been a few cases where children developed intestinal colic. Large doses may cause photo-toxicity in some individuals.
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