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Herbal Tinctures - Pets

I am often asked about the herbs, tinctures and remedies that I have on my website and if they can be used for the holistic natural care for animals. So, I have deleloped a few herbal remedies that can be used for your dogs, cats, goats, horses, sheep, cows and piggies. 

Calculating correct herbal doses for your animals:

The following will work as a good starting point. Adjustments may need to be made based on your particular animal.

Dogs: Correspond to adult human dose according to weight.

Cats: 1/8 to 1/4 the dose for an adult human.

Goats: 2 - 2 1/2 times the dose for an adult human.

Sheep: 1 1/2 to 2 times the dose for an adult human.

Horse: 8 to 16 times the dose for an adult human.

Cow: 12 to 24 times the dose for an adult human.

Piggy: 1 to 3 times the dose for an adult human

Initial dosages may needto be increased to achieve the results you are looking for. An easy mistake is to think of dosing in terms of absolutes. Keep a watchful eye on your animal that is being treated, understand the herbs you are using, and don't be afraid to change dosages if needed. If you need to increase a dosage, do so in 10% increments to a maximum of 50% above the starting dose. If the dosage needs to be decreased (if, for example the animal begins vomiting) cut the dose in half.

Animals usually require a dose 1 to 3 times a day. I personally will give herbal tinctures or dry herbs every day until the situation is maintained and I feel comfortable thay my pet is feeling better. Though, many people find herbal treatments are more effective when used 5-7 days in a row ("on") and two days off, 5 days on, two days of, etc. You may want to experiment and see what works best for your animals situation.

The time it takes to see results from an herbal remedy varies greatly and is dependent on the herb, the animal, and the severity of the situation. Herbal therapy does not produce sudden suppression of mere symptoms as with chemical drugs. Herbs can often cure (not suppress) in weeks, but it is all dependent on each individual case. If some results aren't seen after you have maintained the maximum dose for more than 7 days, it may be time to try another herb or consult your veternarian. How long to give the herbs depends on the specific animal and varies according to the ailment being treated. Exactly how long to maintain an herbal remedy can only be determined through knowing your own animal.

Doses can be given in drops, ml, tsp. etc... 


1) The Herbal Medicine-Makers Handbook, a Home Manual by James Green (The Crossomg Press, 2000)
2) Herbs for Pets
 by Mary L. Wulff-Tilford & Gregory L. Tilford (Bowtie Press, 1999)