Also Known As - Turnera diffusa
Overview - Mexican damiana is a small shrub; the long, broad, obovate, toothed, light green damiana leaves have few hairs on the rib; frequented by reddish twigs. Damiana is a small mint-like plant bearing fragrant yellowish-white flowers. Plant has a warm, bitter, camphor-like taste.
Medicinal Uses - Damiana has been taken as an aphrodisiac since the days of the Mayans and the Aztecs. This unique herb has also been used to treat sterility, impotence, diabetes, asthma, bladder infections and respiratory problems. It has been used to overcome sexual performance anxiety for adults and shyness in teens during puberty. Studies have shown that this herb binds with progesterone receptors in the breast cancer cells.
Other Uses - Damiana is used to flavor a Mexican liqueur by the same name that can be added to drinks like margaritas. It is also used to flavor some foods. It is also used in homeopathy for anxiety, depression, nervousness and to regulate hormones.
Herbs to Combine/Supplement - Damiana may be combined with oats to make a nerve tonic. It also combines well with Kola or Skullcap.
Parts Used - The leaves of the herb are dried and used medicinally. Leaves are harvested while the plant is flowering and then dried before use.
Precautions - Avoid damiana if you have liver or urinary tract disease. This herb may cause mild indigestion. Excessive use may cause nausea, vomiting and tinnitus. Stop taking if you experience any of these symptoms and see a physician. Pregnant and nursing women should not take this herb. It should not be given to young children. People with diabetes and hypoglycemia should use caution, as it can cause extreme swings in blood sugar levels. It should not be taken on a long-term basis. There are no known drug interactions with this herb.
Damiana is available as tea, capsules and tincture. Take no more than one cup of tea, one dropper-full of tincture or two capsules per day so your liver does not get overburdened.
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