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Crampbark Tincture

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Product Description

Crampbark Herbal Tincture

Cramp Bark is a Native American remedy with warming and antispasmodic actions and used to treat a prolapsed uterus after a woman gave birth, to guard against miscarriage. Cramp Bark is also said to support uterine function, help regulate excessive blood flow during menstruation and menopause, and ease postpartum, uterine and ovarian pain. Cramp bark is also a natural tranquilizer and has a calming effect on the nervous system. As its name suggests, Cramp Bark has been used to relieve cramps of all kinds, including menstrual pains, to relax muscles and ease spasms of the lower back and legs, to ease convulsions, lockjaw and fits.  Cramp Bark is said to be useful in cases of bronchial, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, skeletal muscle spasms and it is thought to be wonderful for leg cramps. It has been used as a diuretic to get rid of excess water weight and for treating high blood pressure, constipation, and for improving blood circulation. The herb has anti-inflammatory properties that are excellent for the treatment of pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Cramp bark is a rich source of vitamin C which is essential for prevention and treatment of scurvy, which results in bleeding gums and loose teeth. 

Considered one of the best herbs for women's health, it regulates menstruation and eases the pain and cramps during this time. Cramp bark relaxes the uterus and can be used for dysmenorrhea, abdominal pain, amenorrhea, endometriosis, menstrual clots, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids and post-partum pain after childbirth. Its astringent properties work effectively to treat excessive blood loss in periods and especially bleeding associated with menopause. Cramp bark has also been used to bring on delayed menstruation whether caused by hormone imbalance or blood stagnation in the reproductive system, by increasing blood flow to the abdominal region. Since it is an emmenogogue, it helps to reduce the tension of the nervous system that cause the symptoms of endometriosis such as mood swings, irritation, anxiety and depression. Cramp bark tincture has been used effectively to treat the onset of premature labor pains in pregnant women and to strengthen the muscles of the uterus and prepare it for labor. It has been used to treat habitual abortions, morning sickness, uterine prolapse, hemorrhage during labor and post-partum. As a skeletal muscle relaxant it is excellent for leg cramps.  

Naturopathic practitioners may recommend Cramp bark for people suffering from digestive complaints like gastritis, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. Its antispasmodic properties may help ease painful contractions of the colon. 

Mildly sedative, Cramp bark extract is known to relieve many nervous conditions and has been used with success in cramps and spasms of all types such as convulsions, epileptic seizures, fits and lockjaw. It contains scopoletin, a substance that is quite popular as a muscle relaxant. As a sedative, Cramp Bark is believed to alleviate nervous constipation, hypertension, tension headaches, bladder muscle pains, hysteria, debility and other nervous complaints. 

It is effective as a treatment for all types of breathing difficulties associated with asthma and is an effective expectorant for the mucus of the inner lining of the lungs.  

The anti-inflammatory properties of Cramp Bark have also been used externally to reduce muscle pain and ache and is an excellent remedy for the pain due to rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. Cramp bark also relaxes the muscles allowing improvement in blood circulation that can return normal function to arthritic joints. The salicin content in Cramp Bark is an aspirin-like compound and effective as an analgesic and painkiller.

Recent studies have shown that Cramp Bark is active as a smooth muscle relaxant that may also be useful as a cardiotonic and helpful for patients with circulatory problems and heart disease. Its efficacy in cases of hypertension is said to be caused by relaxing peripheral blood vessels, thus lowering high blood pressure. 

Ingredients: Fresh Cramp Bark and certified grain alcohol. 1:3 ratio

Suggested: The standard dosages of different formulations of crampbark for treating different conditions differ. A decoction prepared from crampbark is generally taken when one is enduring a spasm and not continuously. Take the decoction in dosage of 100 ml or 4 fl ounces for a maximum six times every day to ease spasms caused by painful menstrual periods or other reasons.

Alternately, one may also use this tincture prepared from the bark of the crampbark to ease spasms. This tincture ought to be taken internally in dosage of 2.5 ml (50 drops) for a maximum six times daily. For external use of the tincture to ease muscle spasms, make a proper blend of 2 ml (about 40 drops) of crampbark tincture and 30 grams (about 1.5 ounce) of any cream, such as comfrey, and apply it on the affected parts. In addition, if possible, you may also include 2 ml (40 drops) of tincture prepared from lobelia to this blend, as it will enhance the anti-spasmodic actions of the mixture. For best results, this blend should be applied thrice daily to the affected areas.

Shake well, store in cool dark place and keep out of reach of children.

Contraindications: Pregnant women should not use Cramp Bark unless directed by a physician. Those who are allergic to aspirin may be sensitive to Cramp Bark because of its salicin content. Cramp bark should not be taken with blood thinning medication because of the coumarin constituents in the plant and may cause you to bleed more easily. Cramp Bark may cause hypotension in large doses or even in average doses if given to previously hypotensive individuals. The bitter principle, viburnine, may cause gastroenteritis.

Disclaimer:  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat cure or prevent any disease. Reviews are not intended as a substitute for appropriate medical care or the advice of a physician or another medical professional. Actual results may vary among users. Mountain Maus Remedies LLC makes no warranty or representation, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or validity of the information contributed by outside product review submissions, and assumes no responsibility or liability regarding the use of such information. The information and statements regarding the dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If you have a medical condition or disease, please talk to your health care provider. If you are currently taking a prescription medication, you should work with your health care provider before discontinuing any drug or altering any drug regimen, including augmenting your regimen with any herb or dietary supplements. Do not attempt to self-diagnose any disease or ailment based on the reviews and do not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Proper medical care is critical to good health. If you have a health concern or suspect you have an undiagnosed sign or symptom, please consult a physician or health care practitioner.


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Product Reviews

  1. Very well made 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 31st Oct 2015

    Received very fast. Well packed. Thank you!

  2. This really works 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 13th May 2015

    This really works, 12 drops with a little water stops period cramps. It smells bad and tastes bitter but works great.. NO side effects except if to relaxed one will fall asleep!Tried other company product and you can tell the difference in quality and strength from MMR.

  3. No cramps! It's amazing 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 13th May 2015

    I used to have to take a day off work and stay in bed with a heating pad every month because my cramps were so bad, but I have taken this stuff for 3 months in a row now and 3 months in a row, no cramps! It's amazing. I highly recommend it. Now I can save 12 vacation days a year for fun!

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