Also Know As - Galium aparine, clivers, goosegrass. Barweed, Bedstraw, Catchweed, Cleaverwort, Coachweed, Eriffe, Everlasting Friendship, Galium aparine, Goosebill, Gosling Weed, Grip Grass, Hayriffe, Hayruff, Hedge-Burs, Hedgeheriff, Love-Man, Mutton Chops, Robin-Run-in-the-Grass, Scratchweed, Stick-a-Back, Sweethearts.
Overview - A popular herb in folk medicines throughout the centuries, cleavers or goosegrass is a vigorously growing weed that twines through hedges or garden shrubberies producing long sticky stems. The young shoots are some of the first weeds to appear in spring and make an excellent cleansing tonic, a remedy widely used in central Europe and the Balkans. Also cooked as a vegetable, like spinach.
Parts Used - The above ground parts of the plant, dried and chopped.
Medicinal Uses - Irritations of mucous membranes, tonsillitis, including those of the urinary tract, arthritis, jaundice, dropsy. The juice of the fresh plant or a tea made from the dried plant is popular for skin problems. The juice or tea is applied daily and allowed to dry (before each application, wash the affected area with rectified alcohol, burning the cloth each time). If preferred, make a salve for the skin by mixing the fresh juice with butter (renew every 3 hours and burn the cloth used to apply it). Applying the crushed fresh leaves directly is also said to be helpful for skin problems and for stopping bleeding. Cleavers is used in Europe for healing wounds and sores, psoriasis, cysts, boils, swellings or for treating skin infections, swollen lymph glands, snakebites. Makes a good face wash to clear the complexion.
Suggested Preparations - Usually taken as a tea, but can be eaten or ground fresh.
Precautions - None known. This herb may be used freely. But it should be taken for only 2 weeks at a time, and then skip 1-2 weeks.
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