Also Known As - Stellaria media, and Stellaria spp, Mouse-ear, Adder’s Mouth, Tongue Grass, Alsine, Chick Wittles, Satinflower, Winter Weed, and Star Weed.
Parts Used - The whole herb, we hand pick our Chickweed between May and July, when it is in the best condition. It can be used both fresh and dried.
Preparations - Chickweed can be used fresh or dried.
Medicinal - For serious constipation, take a decoction of chickweed. For other internal uses indicated by its by its properties, chickweed is not one of the more valuable plants. The fresh leaves can be crushed and applied directly or made into an ointment with lard or vaseline for bruises, irritations, and other skin problems. Chickweed can also be used as a vegetable, like spinach. Chickweed is said to cure convulsions. Aids in digestion, stomach ulcers, and all forms of internal inflammation. Reduces mucus build-up in the lungs. May be effective to treat asthma, gastrointestinal disorders, coughs, itching, colds, bronchitis, pleurisy, hoarseness, inflammation, rheumatism, gout, scurvy, skin diseases, tumors, cancer, and blood disorders. One of the best remedies for external application to inflamed surfaces, boils, scalds, burns, inflamed sore eyes, blood poisoning, erysipelas, itch, piles , swollen testes, ulcerated mouth, and all kinds of wounds, bruises, and sores.
Precautions - Excessive doses have in rare occasions induced vomiting and/or diarrhea. Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of chickweed during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.
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