Also Known As - Carum carvi
Overview - This plant is a member of the Apiaceae family and looks like its cousin the carrot. It's native to Western Asia, Europe and North Africa and prefers a warm sunny climate Caraway produces a tiny fruit erroneously referred to as a seed. The literature cites several possibilities for the derivation of the name Caraway, many referring it to a blending of the Latin (cuminum for cumin) and Greek (karon, also for cumin) into the current Latin genus, Carum. If you've eaten Rye Bread you've tasted Caraway fruits.
Medicinal Uses - CIt contains large amounts of essential oils and has been traditionally used to flavor various liqueurs and digestive aperitifs. The fruits were also used in Sauerkraut to help dispel gas and flavor the sour tasting delicacy. Many digestive teas in Europe use Caraway seeds to help ease occasional digestive discomfort and tension from bloating. Caraway is a remedy to PMS and menstrual cramps, promotes period and produces milk in lactating mothers.
Active Constituents - Carvone, Limonene, and various other essential oils
Parts Used - Seed.
Preparations - The seeds may be chewed as is or the following preparations used:
Companion Plants - Good for loosening compacted soil with it's deep roots so it's also compatible next to shallow rooted crops. Plant it with strawberries. Caraway can be tricky to establish. The flowers attract a number of beneficial insects especially the tiny parasitic wasps. Keep it away from dill and fennel.
Precautions - Before starting treatments with Caraway based products it is recommended to see a specialist as high doses may trigger epilepsy states in children as well as overdoses may lead to miscarriage in pregnancies. Currently, there are no known other warnings or contraindications with the use of Caraway Seed.
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