20 Herbs that can fight cancer
- ASTRAGALUS (Huang Qi): An immune system booster, known to stimulate body´s natural production of interferon. It also helps the immune system identify rogue cells. Work with the herb in both cancer and AIDS cases has been encouraging. The MD Anderson Cancer Centre in Texas conducted research showing that taking Astragalus when having Radiotherapy doubled survival times.
- BLACK COHOSH: Contains anticancer properties that could help to protect you from developing cancer or prevent cancer cell growth. A 2007 laboratory study found that the phenol called petasiphenone in Black Cohosh extracts can reduce prostate cancer cell growth, as stated by MemorialSloan-KetteringCancerCenter. Unlike true plant-based chemicals with estrogen-like actions, called phytoestrogens, Black Cohosh doesn't induce breast cancer cell growth, according to their studies. It was actually revealed that taking Black Cohosh herbal extract prolonged cancer-free survival.
- BLOOD ROOT (Sanguinaria canadensis): Research shows consistent anti-neoplastic activity. It is effective against cancer tumours, and can shrink them; and has proven useful with sarcomas.
- BUTCHERS BROOM (Ruscus aculeatus): The active ingredients of this herb has been found to be the ruscogenins which have tumour-shrinking and anti-oestrogenic abilities. Thus its use in the treatment of breast cancer.
- CAT´S CLAW (Uncaria tormentosa): An adaptogen and powerful immuno-stimulant, it enhances the white cells clean up process (phagocytosis). It is an excellent companion to astragalus, curcumin and echinacea. Research indicates it can reduce tumour size, particularly with skin cancers. It also helps reduce the side-effects of chemo and radiotherapy.
- CHAPARRAL (Larrea mexicana): Cancer Watch covered a major research study from the US which heaped praise on this herb. It appears to boost the immune system, stop metastases and reduce tumour size. Seems especially interesting with breast cancer. It is also an anti-oxidant and anti-microbial, with low toxicity.
- TURMERIC POWDER: This spice (Curcuma longa or Turmeric root) has been shown to have significant anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory activity. That alone seems enough for certain hospitals in America to consider using it in the treatment of polyps and colon cancer. However new research shows that it can both shrink cancer tumours and inhibit blood supply growth to tumours. It is a powerful antioxidant with liver protective benefits, and outperformed several anti-inflammatory drugs without side-effects in research.
- ECHINACEA: Another known immune system booster, it gained a populist reputation in treating colds. There is research on its helpfulness with brain tumours apart from its abilities to increase the levels of certain immune white cells in the body.
- FEVERFEW: This herb caused a storm when research from RochesterUniversity in New York showed it to be more effective than the drug cytarabine in killing leukaemia cells. The US Food and Drug Agency put the active ingredient, parthenolide, on to its fast track programme. Nothing has yet been heard. But then, the FDA has never approved a herb for use as a cancer treatment.
- GOLDENSEAL: One cause of stomach cancer can be the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. This burrows into the mucous lining of the stomach to hide from gastric acids, and then causes irritation, acid reflux, ulcers and even cancer. Goldenseal is generally anti-microbial and is used in the Caribbean and South East Asia against parasites. Goldenseal, helped by the mineral Bismuth, will kill Helicobacter pylori. Vets seem to know this, even if doctors don´t.
- MILK THISTLE: Known for years to be helpful to the liver, this herb has now been shown to be capable of protecting the liver during chemotherapy. Research in America showed that leukaemia patients who took milk thistle had reduced liver toxicity and chemo side-effects. There is a little evidence that it has its own anti-cancer activity too.
- PAU D´ARCO: This tree bark was original thought to be a strong anti-cancer agent, but then its actions were clarified as strongly anti-bacterial, anti-yeast and anti-microbial. That alone might be enough in some cases of cancer cause. But new research on the differing ingredients has shown the quinoids possess immune strengthening abilities and seem to help in cases of blood and lymph cancers.
- RED CLOVER: Research from a number of centres including the Royal Marsden has shown its potential as a part of a treatment programme against oestrogen-driven cancers, from breast to prostate. One active ingredient in the so-called Herb of Hippocrates is the anti-oestrogen Genistein.
- SHEEP´S SORRELL: Used in Essiac and other herbal remedies it is a cleanser and aids healthy tissue regeneration. There is some suggestion from research that it helps normalise damaged cells and tissue. It is also a highly praised ´vermifuge´ - intestinal worms have little or no resistance to this herb.
- SKULLCAP (Scutellaria barbata): Research has shown action against many cancer types, for example against cancers of the lung, stomach and intestines.
- SUTHERLANDIA (Cancer Bush): Peer reviewed research studies indicate that this herb is anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-fungal. It boosts the immune system and inhibits Tumour Necrosis Factor, known to drive wasting in cancer patients.
- THOROWAX, or HARES EAR (Bulpleurum scorzoneraefolium): Research has shown its ability to enhance the production of natural interferon and it seems especially useful in bone cancer.
- WHEATGRASS: One of the top private hospitals in South East Asia extols the benefits of freshly juiced wheatgrass. One shot gives you the chlorophyll of some 12 or more kilograms of broccoli. It acts as a blood purifier, and liver and kidney cleansing agent. After two weeks of daily use, blood and tissue oxygen levels improve, as does circulation. And oxygen is the enemy of the cancer cell, as Otto Warburg told the world.
- WORMWOOD: Another Chinese Herb, this has outperformed certain anti-malaria drugs and is now used by the aid agencies. It is strongly anti-microbial and anti-yeast and can be used as an effective part of an anti-candida diet. Also certain cancer treatments cause excesses of yeasts to form (for example, in Leukaemia treatment) threatening the patients health further. Excess yeasts are even felt by some cancer experts to be one of the causes of cancer. However, in recent research Wormwood has been shown to have direct anti-cancer properties.
Most of these herbs are organically grown in my herbal garden and are cultivated without the use of pesticides, fertilized with organic manure from our own chickens, rabbits and little kinder goats, and the water used is from our private well which is sustained by the Nisqually River. So you know that your herbs are fresh and free of added chemicals such as those who freely use the term “Certified Organic”.
- An herbal tea called Essiac is a blend of Indian rhubarb, sheeps sorrel, slippery elm, and burdock root and has been promoted as a cure for all cancers. A Canadian study of 77 cancer patients taking the herbal treatment found that 32 improved or remained stable and has reported little no side effects. That’s nearly 50% and in my book that’s Squeek-tastic! Maus can get this specific blend for you, but it is very expensive (around $35-40 a pound), be very careful who you purchase the blend from, many claim it to be the “famous recipe of Rene Caisse” only to find out it does have the right herbs but measurement of herbs is way off which defeats its purpose. Now, I have heard through the field grass that Maus has the blend and if you squeak nicely you can put in a special request to have her mix a batch just for you.
More on the Essiac Blend
This exert is from cancertutor.com where it states the following:
TREATMENT RATING: By itself, this cancer protocol is rated ONLY as being effective on newly diagnosed cancer patients who do not have a fast-growing cancer and their cancer has not spread significantly!!
For advanced cancer patients Essiac Tea should only be a supplemental protocol to one of the major protocols, such as Cellect-Budwig, Cesium Chloride, the Photon Protocol, the Dirt Cheap Protocol (if you cannot afford one of the other major protocols), etc.
Essiac Tea may also be useful in protecting the liver.
If you are an advanced cancer patient who has had a lot of chemotherapy, radiation or surgery or you have a potentially fast-growing cancer, do not use this protocolas your primary cancer protocol; use one of the major protocols just listed:
Chapter on Treatments Rated For Advanced Cancer Patients
How It Works
Essiac is a product that is composed of 4 or more herbs, two of which (Sheep Sorrel and Burdock Root) are known to kill cancer cells. The other two herbs build the immune system and deal with detox and protecting the organs. Essiac Tea is a long proven method of curing cancer. It dates back to the 1920s and before.
While the basic components of Essiac are well known, the exact proportions of the herbs in Essiac are the matter of much speculation. The cancer patient should be far more concerned with the quality of the herbs, and the quality of the processing, than with the exact formula. Some brands have 4, 6 or 8 herbs (e.g. Flor-Essence has 8 herbs). The extra herbs won’t hurt, and may be of some help. But again, the quality of the herbs, and the quality of the processing, is the most important issue.
It should be mentioned that it is the Sheep Sorrel that is the main cancer killing herb in Essiac. Sheep Sorrel has been known about for over a hundred years as a cancer fighting herb.
Several Important Notices
Warnings: Avoid using plastic and aluminum while preparing formula or storing formula. If a green mold appears, discard contents. Sunlight destroys aspects of formula. Do not Freeze.
Currently, Essiac Tea is considered to be a “Phase III cancer treatment,” meaning it is not considered strong enough to be at the core of a “Stage IV” treatment. This does not mean, however, that it would not be an effective addition to a “Stage IV” treatment.
When Rene Caisse was treating patients, she would make her own tea and have it to her customers usually within 48 hours of making it. However, when you order Essiac Tea by mail, it is may be several months old.
The reason it is not a “Stage IV cancer treatment” is because of the way some of the Essiac Tea products have been dehydrated, processed and stored.
This treatment would be higher rated if people grew their own herbs or knew someone who did grow their own herbs.
Who Should NOT Take Essiac Tea
If you are pregnant, nursing or trying to conceive. This tea contains constituents (chemicals) which may increase blood flow to the pelvic region and stimulate menses. Safety of the herbs have not been determined for small children. Properties of this tea may pass through the mother’s milk to the infant.
If you have kidney disease, are prone to kidney stones, or kidney infections. The varying amounts of oxalic acids in this tea are irritating to the kidneys. In my handbook, I will be going over some ideas on how to reduce this, but drinking copious amounts of water (unless contraindicated by your doctor or condition) may help to reduce the effects of this.
If you have a bowel obstruction or diarrhea. Properties in this tea – specifically in the Turkey Rhubarb – promote peristalsis (the action by which the bowel moves it’s contents through). In the case of bowel obstruction, last time I checked this was considered a medical emergency. The last thing you would want to do is to rely on tea to help it. The first thing you should do is see your doctor immediately. In the case of diarrhea, valuable fluids and electrolytes are lost through the rapid emptying of the intestines. Prolonged diarrhea can result in dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
If you have ulcers or colitis. The Turkey Rhubarb has an action of being a laxative or cathartic (depending on how much you take). Some properties in this root can be highly irritating to ulcers and colitis, exacerbating (or worsening) these conditions.
If you have a history of increased levels of iron in your blood. This is usually related to the way your digestive tract absorbs nutrients. (It’s a fairly complicated little arrangement.) The tea contains varying amounts of iron. If you have been advised not to take in foods/herbs that contain substantial amounts of iron, this tea should not be taken.
Children under the age of 12 should not take this tea. No studies have been done to determine the safety of the herbs in the young.
If you have tumors that are encroaching on a major blood supply or an area of an organ that expansion of the tumor could have dire consequences. Consult with your doctor to find out if this applies to you. In Rene’s work, she reportedly noticed that in the beginning phase of a person taking this tea, the tumor could appear to enlarge before it began to break down. (One of the reasons she was adamant that they take very small doses.) This has also happened with several of our clients. If you notice any sudden pain or untoward symptoms after beginning this tea, stop taking it, and immediately consult with your physician.
If you have a brain tumor. In Rene Caisse’s work, she noticed that many times the tea seemed to make the tumor initially grow, then break down. This can be extremely detrimental in the brain tissue. Rapid or excess growth can put pressure on areas of the brain that affect body/mental function. If the tumor would break down, it can release pieces of the malignant tissue which could cause a stroke. Circulation in the brain is unlike the rest of the body.
Brain cancer patients could probably take Essiac Tea if some temporary swelling would not put them at risk.
Disclaimer - The information presented herein by Mountain Maus’ Remedies is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.