Also Known As - Eupatorium perfoliatum, por huesos, Agueweed, Hempweed, Indian Sage and Thoroughwort.
Organically Grown - Kauai, Hawaii USA
Overview - Boneset was one of early America's foremost medical plants, a popular panacea of extraordinary powers. Native Americans introduced the settlers to this New World herb. Its name reflects its use during a particularly harsh strain of flu called "break bone fever". Come cold and flu season, boneset can be invaluable in relieving coughs and upper respiratory congestion. Today, it is chiefly regarded as a weed with an interesting past.
Medicinal Uses - The effect of boneset depends on the form it is taken in. Taken cold, the infusion has tonic and mildly laxative effects. Taken warm, it is diaphoretic and emetic and can be used to break up a common cold, for intermittent fever, cough, and for the flu. The hot infusion is both emetic and cathartic. Used for malaria, rheumatism, spasms, cystitis, urinary stones, relieves night-time urination, fluid retention, jaundice, wounds, urinary stones, pneumonia, pleurisy, dyspepsia, relieves constipation (taken in a cold drink, it is a mild laxative), has calming effect, ague, gout. Leaves poulticed onto tumors. German research suggests nonspecific immune system-stimulating properties, perhaps vindicating historical use in flu epidemics.
Parts Used - The entire plant is medicinal, including leaf, stem and flower, but typically only the above-ground parts are collected. The herb is dried and chopped.
Preparations and Dosage - Whole herb in capsules, teas, and tinctures. The tea is very bitter.
Chinese formula for colds, flu, etc.: Boneset) 1/2 oz., Peppermint leaves 1/2 oz., dried elder flowers 1 oz.,
Precautions - Boneset is most effective when taken on the first day of symptoms. Safety for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under the age of 6, or persons with severe liver or kidney disease has not been established.
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