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Bay Leaves

  • As a tonic for the digestion system that can help relieve gas and cramping and stimulate the appetite. Also used for treating infections, sore throat, rheumatism, tonsillitis, and bladder problems. Useful as a treatment for migraines.

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Product Description

Bay Leaves (Whole)

Organically Grown - USA

Also Known As - Laurus nobilis. Identified in specialty cookbooks as sweet laurel, dafni (Greek), lager (Swedish), Laurb*r (Danish), laurier (Dutch), lauro (Italian), lavr (Rusian), yue gui (Mandairin), and yuht gwai (Cantonese).

Overview - According to Greek and Roman myth, the nymph Daphne was changed at her own wish into a laurel tree by her father, the river god Peneus, to keep her from being attacked by the love-smitten god Apollo. Eros (Cupid) had played a trick on the self-righteous Apollo by shooting arrows with opposite effects into him and Daphne: Apollo’s arrow stimulated love for Daphne, but hers caused her to hate Apollo. Apollo, amazed by Daphne’s transformation, made the tree sacred to himself and declared that he would wear a crown of its leaves, as would triumphant men of war. Thus associated with fame and achievement, the laurel wreath was conferred also on poets, athletes, statesmen, and other notables.

  • The Romans believed that a person standing under a laurel tree would be shielded from infection by the plague and also from lightning. In the Middle Ages, laurel would shield you from lightning and from witches, too. 

Medicinal Uses - Bay Leaf has been used for centuries in herbal medicine due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal properties. Bay Leaf herbal tincture is an excellent remedy for treating dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), stomach aches, gastric ulcers and colic, as well as headaches and infections. Compounds in Bay Leaf help to regulate blood sugar levels. Insulin is processed more quickly, meaning blood sugar spike-highs and lows are prevented. Bay Leaf will help relieve respiratory and chest ailments such as coughs, viral infections, bronchitis and chest infections. As an anti-inflammatory Bay Leaf extract may be used to relieve joint pain and muscle pains, including arthritis. Bay Leaves contain the  phytonutrients acffeic acid and rutin, as well as salicylates, all of which help protect the heart and lower one's risk of stroke or heart attack. Additionally, Bay Leaf's phytonutrients help to protect the body from many different kinds of cancer. Bay Leaf has long been used as a tonic for overall good health and an energy boost. 

Parts Used - Dried leaf whole or broken

Preparations - Whole or crumbled added to cooking, or consumed as a tea.

Companion Plants - A fresh leaf bay leaf in each storage container of beans or grains will deter weevils and moths. Sprinkle dried leaves with other deterrent herbs in garden as natural insecticide dust. A good combo: Bay leaves, cayenne pepper, tansy and peppermint.

Precautions - Bay Leaf Herbal Supplement is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women, nor for those who are taking medication for diabetes. As a uterine stimulant, it has been called an abortifacient. Although an herb to calm the digestive tract, taken in large doses, Bay Leaf is considered an emetic that produces vomiting.

Disclaimer - These products are dietary supplements and are not intended to diagnose, treat cure or prevent any disease. Reviews are not intended as a substitute for appropriate medical care or the advice of a physician or another medical professional. Actual results may vary among users. Mountain Maus Remedies LLC makes no warranty or representation, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or validity of the information contributed by outside product review submissions, and assumes no responsibility or liability regarding the use of such information. The information and statements regarding the dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If you have a medical condition or disease, please talk to your health care provider. If you are currently taking a prescription medication, you should work with your health care provider before discontinuing any drug or altering any drug regimen, including augmenting your regimen with dietary supplements. Do not attempt to self-diagnose any disease or ailment based on the reviews and do not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Proper medical care is critical to good health. If you have a health concern or suspect you have an undiagnosed sign or symptom, please consult a physician or health care practitioner.

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