Also Known As - Angelica archangelica, Garden Angelica, Great Angelica, and Wild Parsnip.
Overview - With blossoms scheduled to appear annually on the 8th of May, the feast day of St. Michael the Archangel, angelica is said to possess mystical powers against disease and evil. One reference claims this herb was named after the Archangel Raphael, who according to a 10th century French legend, revealed the secrets of this herb to a monk for use during a plague epidemic. In old-world Latvia, peasants would march into town with armloads off the fragrant herb and suddenly burst into song in languages that no one, not even the singers, understood. Like a surprising number of plants, angelica was unknown to the ancients. Although found in the northern and temperate regions of Europe and eastward all the way to the Himalayas, it does not seem to have attracted attention until the 15th century and first appeared in European herbals in the early 1500's. Its name reflects the legend that an angel revealed its special virtues to a monk during a time of plague. Angelica wasn't believed to cure the plague but protect against it; a piece of root was held in the mouth as an antiseptic. In Germany, it was known as the root of the holy ghost and was believed to eliminate the effects of intoxication and also to render witchcraft and the evil eye harmless. In England, where it was also known as bellyache root, dried angelica roots were made into powder and mixed into wine to "abate the rage of lust in young persons." The plant was also given symbolic qualities: angelica stands for magic and poetic inspiration.
Medicinal Uses - An infusion of dried root can be used as a remedy for coughs and colds, to dispel gas and to soothe intestinal cramps. Also used to stimulate kidneys. The wash is used to relieve rheumatism and neuralgia. Used as a blood tonic. Eases stoppage of urination, good for suppressed menstruation, and helps expel the afterbirth. Good for sluggish liver and spleen. A tea made of angelica, dropped into old ulcers (external) will cleanse and heal them. Good for cold, colic, flu, cough, asthma, bronchitis, menstrual cramps, pleurisy, anemia, rheumatism, and fever.
Parts Used - Dried root
Preparation and Dosages - As a tea, in capsules and as an herbal extract.
Other Uses - Recipe for genuine Angelica Liqueur, "Vespetro." 2 oz. (60 g) angelica seeds, 1/4 oz (8 g) of anise seeds, 1/4 (8 g) oz of fennel seeds, and approximately 1/5 oz. (6 g) of coriander seeds are ground together in a seed mill. 8 fluid oz. (200 g) of pure drinkable alcohol (not rubbing alcohol) is added and the preparation allowed to stand for 8 days. It is then strained through muslin and mixed with a solution of1 lb. (500 g) of sugar (preferably grape sugar) dissolved in 2 1/2 pints (1-1.5 liters) of water. (chopped angelica root may be used if seeds unattainable) Of this recipe it has been said: "There is no better or more pleasant remedy for digestive troubles or flatulence."
Precautions - Do not take Angelica if you are pregnant or have severe diabetes. Angelica has a tendency to increase the sugar in the urine.
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