Also Know As - Pimenta dioica, Pimenta officinalis
Wild Crafted - Hawaii, USA
Overview - Allspice tastes like a blend of cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg, but is actually a single spice ground from the under-ripe dried berry of a tropical, evergreen myrtle tree, native to the West Indies and Central America. Smith's Dictionary of Economic Plants states: "In Jamaica the berries are highly spoken of as a substitute for tobacco, being odoriferous, but they require a long pipe to smoke them, when they afford a treat unknown in smoking tobacco."
Medicinal Uses - Pimento water and oil of pimento are helpful for flatulent indigestion or simple flatulence; the oil is used for hysteria. Taken with a laxative, the oil lessens the tendency toward griping.. As an ointment or a bath additive, allspice is said to have some anesthetic effects. Also used for rheumatism and neuralgia.
Parts Used - Ripe and unripe fruits, essential oil extracted from leaves.
Preparations - Ground ripe or unripe fruits. Frequently used with cardamom, cinnamon, and/or green tea.
Precautions - None known.
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